Anxiety Panic Attack Sympton

Anxiety Panic Attack Sympton
What is or are Anxiety Panic Attack Sympton's Symptoms of a Anxiety Panic Attack, which can last from 10 minutes to 2 hours, include: 


What is or are Anxiety Panic Attack Sympton's

Symptoms of a Anxiety Panic Attack, which can last from 10 minutes to 2 hours, include:

Chest pain

Palpitations or pounding heart - Its the fight flight game - This Anxiety Panic Attack Sympton is your heart working overtime pumping blood.
Shortness of breath - Its anxiety stupid - think and breath slowly - It will go away.

Hot flushes or chills - Thats the heart
Cold and clammy hands - Its the heart again

Nausea - Can you imagine the chemicals your system is pumping into your bloodstream. Adrenaline is poisioning you. Its also making your heart beat faster.
Frequent urination or diarrhea - Comes under the any old Anxiety Panic Attack Sympton
Sweating - Your heart is pumping blood as fast as it can your brain, the bit that is still working, sends it to the skin to cool it down.
Dizziness - As above and you are breathing far too fast.
Trembling or shaking. - Your body does not like this one little bit. Its telling you so in no uncertain terms. Stop! Slow Down.
Intense feeling of terror. Its all in your mind... Think!
Muscle tension or aches - Anxiety is causing your muscles to do exercises they have nener done before

Headaches - The Blood. The Blood. The Chemicals. The Chemicals

Fatigue - With all this going on wouldnt you be tired

Nervousness and jumpiness - Its going to kick off soon. Either stop it or decide to enjoy it. In the round its your choice.

Impaired concentration - Come on, read the above.

Feeling very restless or on edge - You know what is about to happen dont you.
Intense Fear - My main sympton - and the most unpleasant Anxiety Panic Attack Sympton of the lot
Confusion - What. Whats happening - going to happen - Why.
Feelings of self-consciousness and insecurity - Dont look at me I know I'm stupid
Wanting to run away and hide. - Its coming to get you - Dont. It will get you.

This list is by no means comprehensive, but, no one having suffered the feelings of intense fear and isolation of a Anxiety Panic Attack Symptons will ever doubt what is happening to them.

I tend to be a little light hearted about Anxiety Panic Attack Symptons. I'm allowed to be. I've been there done it and got a HUGE number of tee shirts. upholstery cleaning raleigh know or discover anyone with the above Anxiety Panic Attack Symptons don't take it as a joke. Not only is it not funny to them it could and sometimes does kill them. Weak Heart, Bad Lungs, Thrombosis, Anurism etc., The clue to survival is a redeveloped sence of humor and a lot of help.

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